Thursday, 3 December 2009

A Japanese curry ritual

The Japanese Canteen, City of London, EC3R 5AQ

Its become a bit of an addiction for us to visit here at least once a week usually on a Friday. Unlike when I go to most other places, whenever I visit here I always have the same thing from the donburi menu - Chicken Katsu Curry. Its just one of those things you don't seem to tire of, the breaded chicken on stodgy sticky rice with loads of curry sauce over the top, even the lotus root in the sauce tastes good and adds a needed crunchy alternative texture. For a quick lunch in a box its not the cheapest at £6 but that doesn't seem to deter anybody, the queue usually stretches outside but the food is out of the kitchen so fast you never seem to wait very long.

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  1. I can't believe you took down last nights post! It made so much sense haha. I don't think that it's as funny without audio of Steph reading it though. Also, I prefer the Chicken Teriyaki from the Japanese canteen.

  2. Next time I'll try the Chicken Teriyaki just for you Vicki but I doubt it'll touch the Katsu!
